What is SCENAR®?
SCENAR is a handheld therapeutic medical device that assists the body to heal itself by kickstarting the body's own repair process. It sends a series of signals through the skin and measures the response through a process called bio feedback.
Can RITM SCENAR therapy help you?
If you are in pain, acute or chronic, then SCENAR therapy can help you.
If you have a recent injury, swelling or inflammation, SCENAR therapy can help.
Is your range of motion impeded?
Do you have loss of function?
Sore muscles, acing back, shoulder problems, knee problems etc.
Do you suffer from stress, headaches?
Sports injuries.
Do you sit in front of a computer all day?
SCENAR therapy for fast and sustained recovery from both acute and chronic pain, and general loss of function. The effectiveness of SCENAR therapy for pain relief is substantial and lasts longer than other pain control methods.
SCENAR therapy is effective in reducing pain, swelling and inflammation and reduces muscle spasm, improves function, range of motion, flexibility, and accelerated healing time.
How many SCENAR treatments will I need?
The number of SCENAR treatments varies greatly from one session to many. Each complaint is individual and therefore each approach is individual.
In cases of acute pain/injury, the best result will be achieved by having treatment sessions close to each other. The body releases its own neuropeptides that have an impact on the acute complaint, but after few hours the neuropeptides break down and more treatment is needed.
In cases of chronic pain the you should expect gradual pain reduction over a period of time. Remember, the more chronic the condition, the more time it will take to achieve sustained pain relief.
How long will my SCENAR Therapy Session take?
Your initial visit will be approximately one hour. Subsequent therapy sessions usually take between 30 minutes and an hour depending on your complaint. For acute injuries the therapy session time is usually
about 30 mins. For chronic complaints the treatment time can take between 30 minutes and an hour.
What will happen during my SCENAR treatment?
The RITM SCENAR device is a hand held unit and the therapist will apply it onto your skin, typically at the site of pain. It will not be painful. The RITM SCENAR is
used to identify key active points for optimal therapy.
Even after 10 minutes of RITM SCENAR therapy there may be a reduction of pain. For acute complaints the appointment time is usually about 30 minutes. For chronic complaints the appointment time is usually about 45 minutes.
Typically your pain will reduce immediately after the RITM SCENAR treatment although there may be some residual pain. As pain relief is achieved through the release of the body's own endorphins and other neuropeptides, the full effect from your RITM SCENAR treatment can be expected within the following couple of hours.
You will be asked to keep note of any changes you experience after your initial treatment; good or bad. These changes are important and help to guide a therapist through the RITM SCENAR treatment process.
You may feel thirsty, so drink plenty of water following your RITM SCENAR treatment.